New JA Alumni Survey Released Validates JAs Impact
Author: Mary Pille
Corporate Responsibility
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2022

Image caption: a volunteer offers help to a JA student
A new survey of Junior Achievement Alumni conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Junior Achievement USA finds that JA Alumni view their JA experience as an overwhelmingly positive force in the trajectory of both their personal and professional lives. Below are a few of the key findings.
- Ninety-two percent report that JA was a great experience overall, and 91% report that JA motivated them to learn.
- Ninety percent say it exposed them to different ways of thinking, 89% say it motivated them to succeed in their professional lives, and 88% say JA widened their horizons.
- Eighty eight percent say it made them think of new work opportunities or career paths.
- Four in five report that their careers are extremely fulfilling (80%), and 69% say they currently work in their dream career.
- More than half of JA Alumni report that they have started or owned a business (or multiple businesses) at least once in their life (51%).
- Fifty four percent say their work ethic was positively influenced. More than two in five JA Alumni say how they manage money (47%), their career choices (46%), and their education choices (43%) were positively impacted by their experiences in JA.
- Strong majorities of JA Alumni report that JA played an important role in believing they can achieve their goals (90%) their personal development (87%), and gave them confidence in new situations (85%).
- Just under half of JA Alumni strongly agree that they have a strong financial footing (45%). While just one-fifth of JA Alumni strongly agree that they live paycheck to paycheck, with very little savings if there were an emergency (22%).
- Half of JA Alumni took out loans to pay for college (50%) and the average age reported for paying off their student loans is 30 years old.
- Three-quarters of JA Alumni report they own a home, condo, or apartment (74%), including 66% of JA Alumni aged 34 and under. Of those who own homes, 29 years old is the average age they became first-time homeowners.
- Nearly three-quarters of JA Alumni report they are saving for retirement (73%), including 65% of those ages 18-34, 82% of those ages 35-54, and 70% of those ages 55 or older. The average age JA Alumni report beginning to save for retirement is 30 years old.
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