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Hand in Hand: Video Resources for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

JA Hand in Hand FAQ Sheet

JA Hand in Hand video series allows students to learn foundational financial literacy concepts and videos support learning for all students through American Sign Language, close captioning, and audio.

View JA Hand in Hand FAQ Sheet About JA Hand in Hand FAQ Sheet

Hand in Hand A-1 - Ourselves - What is a community

Hand in Hand A-2 - Ourselves - Making our own choices

Hand in Hand B-1 - Families - What is a family

Hand in Hand B-2 - Families - Our cities

Hand in Hand C-1 - Community - Citizens and Community

Hand in Hand C-2 - Community - Businesses and Government

Hand in Hand D-1 - Our City - Banking and Money

Hand in Hand D-2 - Our City - Owning a business

Hand in Hand E-1 - Our Region - How to be an entrepreneur

Hand in Hand E-2 - Our Region - Entrepreneurs solve problems

Hand in Hand F-1 - BizTown - Getting a job

Hand in Hand F-2 - BizTown - You're hired

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